Spinning is one of the most popular fishing methods among fishers alongside pole fishing. It is fun and active way to fish and there is always happening something. To get you started spinning you only need just a spinning rod and a snippet of shoreline. The most common fishing set for spinning is 5-8 feet long rod and a spinning reel. The size of equipment, length and sensitivity of the rod, the thickness of line and used lures depends on what fish you are targeting. Long and strong enough wire trace prevents line cuttings and losing a fish. Our fishing guides use first-class and high-quality fishing equipment.
The most popular target for spinning in freshwater is pike whom strong bites are unforgettable. Even though pike is a common specie in almost every water area that does not necessarily mean it is easy to catch. The activity of pike depends on for example season, weather, wind, amount of a light, flows of water, depth, and a shape of bottom. Time of the day and echo sonars among other electric equipment in the boat has also a great effect on amount of the catch. These tips apply on other fish than pike also.
Fish species have different annual and daily rhythms that guides fisher’s action. Pike, for example, stays in shallow bays after the spawn in spring approximately from May to June. After that pike heads to deeps of the lake and to watershed area rocks for the duration of warm summer. Smaller yet active pikes get on in shallow surface of water covered by waterlilies thorough summer. During warm waters the real great pikes can be found around the rocks near deeps where those pikes rise to eat or to digest their already full stomach. In the late summer and in autumn large pikes are rarely found in shallow water. Instead, it is caught by heavier and slower swimming lures in 5 to 10 meters around the deeps.
Spinning season begins usually in the late April or on early May in small lakes that have just get rid of ice coverage. Pikes are extremely hungry and active after the spawn. By that time lures should be floated slow enough because the water is still cold. Another eating peak for pikes are in September when they tank up for long winter.
The annual rhythm in open water season for perch is partly the same than pike. In midsummer larger perch can be found mostly in watershed area rocks and in fringes of deeps though. In the late summer and early autumn perch move to deeper areas where flock of perch´s can be found easily with echo sonar.
The most important lures for spinner fisher are spoon lures and wobbles. Lure kit should also include spinnerbaits, pike flies and lures that can be used effectively among water plants. Jerk lures that have no diving lip and swims in mid water have become more popular during the last years also.
They are effective spinning wobblers, but they need to be floated by active reeling and fidget movement to make them swim lively. When chasing for active fish one should change lures and fishing tactics often. As a rule, every type of lures should be floated actively and test different reeling speeds. Stop reeling for a while and do a fidget or another irregular movement. Most of the bites happens during these movements or immediately after that.
Welcome to try spinning with us!